Leisure & Sportive
Leisure riding is a huge part of what we do. There’s nothing better than donning the lycra on a weekend and heading off for for a spin with a great group of like minded people, be that for 50k, 100k or whatever.
Apart from the inevitable craic along the way, it’s a great way to clear the head and blow off the cobwebs of the week past, not to mention make a little room for a coffee and a scone along the way.
These Spins are designed to build up your endurance and get you used to spending time on the bike. At the same time you will perfect the skills of group riding and cycling etiquette, such as alerting fellow riders of what’s coming ahead or indeed from behind as the case may be.
Come Spring time when the Sportive season kicks in we will be heading off to take on many of the great sportives and routes our country has to offer.
Setting a few of these as target events is a great way to keep you motivated and get the winter months in, leaving you in great shape to enjoy the events when the weather improves assuming it will at some point!! Remember winter miles make summer smiles!
To compliment this we are finalising plans to “Twin” with some of our friends in clubs in different parts of the country. If you haven’t experienced riding a full Sportive as a group, sharing the work and having the craic then you're in for a real treat.