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Challenge Cyclin Club, Galway


On the bike

This time of year the weekend spins will focus on building base miles and endurance. The emphasis is on keeping a steady pace, group riding and of course getting the all important coffee stop in!


Saturdays Race Training Ride 

Meeting at Arlington Medical Centre (H91FXD0)

Every Saturday at 9 am


As we move closer to the season the tempo of these spins will increase and the format of the sessions will involve more climbing as well as high intensity drills that will help prepare for the rigours of racing.


Additionally Time Trial specific training will take place Thursday evenings led by Paul Foley

dates and TBC



Sunday Sportive Training Ride

Challenge CC meets at Arlington Medical Centre (H91FXD0)

Every Sunday at 9 am

This ride is typically between 70 km and 90 km and are marshalled at a controlled pace to ensure everyone gets the benefit of the spin.






To keep things interesting during the winter winter months, Midweek turbo training  sessions will take place along with core, strength and conditioning classes which will give a solid foundation to build on as the new year approaches.




Please check the calendar on the home page to see upcoming events and training sessions.



















Off the bike

Tips for winter training

Here's are great little video with loads of useful tips on how to approach your winter training. It doesn't matter what level you ride at its all relevant. Well worth a quick watch!

Common training mistakes

Conversely here are some great tips on the things to avoid that will help you emerge from the darker months in much better shape than ever before.

Indoor training session

Once you have established some consistency in your training and have built up some base miles, this session is a tough but excellent work out to add to your mid week repertoire. This session will see you improve greatly.

© 2022 by Challenge CC

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